How to Fire Your Boss
VICTORY Podcast - How to FIRE Your Boss!
VICTORY Podcast (Official Trailer) 3 Min.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:03

VICTORY Podcast (Official Trailer) 3 Min.

There IS a GLOBAL EPIDEMIC -  but it’s not what you THINK!

Hi I am Shane Morand and 

In 2008 I co-founded a global marketing concept and over the 

next several years I had the great honour and privilege of traveling 

to over 55 countries around the world and I witnessed this EPIDEMIC that’s hidden in PLAIN SITE …  

I witnessed it first hand -  and without exception - 


My bet it’s even RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!

No matter the country, language, colour of skin, age or education level, this EPIDEMIC is the greatest DREAM stealer imaginable!

 The EPIDEMIC I am talking about is the EPIDEMIC of low self-esteem …  low self-confidence … and low self-worth. 

 The VICTORY PODCAST is about introducing SIMPLE concepts and proven strategies, and global movements to help turn this Epidemic around 1 person at a time and one family at a time!

 It’s time to set TOO MANY GOALS RATHER than TOO FEW because GOALS are like magnets that pull you into a greater, grander and more AMAZING future…
 It’s time to DREAM Bigger… MUCH BIGGER!
 to Dream about, more MONEY, Better, HEALTH, deeper relationships, about generating ongoing passive income and accumulating long term wealth and most importantly about reducing or better yet eliminating low self-esteem, low self-confidence and low self-worth ON PURPOSE!
 It’s time to learn How to FIRE Your Boss, move to Paradise and get PAID to help change the world!

If this sounds worthwhile to you or anyone you LOVE, 

just search for the VICTORY PODCAST on Apple, Spotify, Google, 

or anywhere else Podcasts are found 

and click SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out.  

you will be notified in real-time as Each Power packed Episode goes live.  

Now make this… your BEST DAY EVER!

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